Dear B Family,
I have so many photos that I would like to share from your session and so much gushing that I would like to do (because I absolutely adore you). I am in love with so many of the photos that I just don't know where to begin. I know that you are waiting patiently for sneak peeks so I am going to do a quick peek tonight and then come back tomorrow with more. Your baby girl stole my heart one year ago at her newborn session and now she full of wonder and joy. Oh, I can't wait to share more tomorrow, but for now, here are just a few peeks...
What an adorable little girl, and was so nice of the butterfly to pose so nicely for you. Great shoot!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM! I dont know how you do it but I love the light you capture in her eyes! Thank you for taking the time to spend with us in the park. These pictures are going to be wonderful memories that I will now have for forever. She is only 1 for a minute and I now have her cute toothy smile and that crazy spikey hair captured in print.
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